Live In Person Seminars

SNF Boot Camp for Registered Dietitian/Dietetic Technician


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SNF Boot Camp: Registered Dietitian/Dietetic Technician

July 16, 2024
Westerville, Ohio

Boot Camp Overview:

This RD/DTR boot camp is a new training opportunity from OHCA to help light a path of excellence for a new or new to long term care Dietitian or Dietetic Technician. It was created to help educate and empower clinicians who are still getting their bearings in long term care. This boot camp has been designed to help RD/DTRs understand both the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and Ohio rules, regulations, and codes nursing homes must follow to remain in compliance.
Additionally, this training will encompass the entire survey process. This comprehensive program will examine all the nutrition related Critical Element Pathways the surveyors will use during their observations, interviews, and record reviews. Attendees will be equipped with the practical tools and strategies necessary to have an immediate impact on their residents.

Ohio Health Care Association
9200 Worthington Road, Suite 110, Westerville, Ohio 43082
Free parking is available

Each participant is responsible for his/her own lodging. We encourage you to make your hotel reservations as early as possible. There are a large number of hotels near the OHCA's office. Google hotels on Polaris Parkway for a complete listing.

8:30 a.m. - Check In & Coffee
9:00 a.m. - Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 3701-17 and Ohio Uniform Food Safety Code Chapter 3717-1
10:30 a.m. - Break
10:45 a.m. - Assessments, MDS, Care Plans
12:15 p.m. - Lunch (included)
12:45 p.m. - CMS State Operations Manual/Appendix PP
2:15 p.m. - Break
2:30 p.m. - Critical Element Pathways and Entrance Conference Form
4:00 p.m. - Adjourn

Ohio Health Care Association
9200 Worthington Road, Suite 110, Westerville, Ohio 43082
Free parking is available

Each participant is responsible for his/her own lodging. We encourage you to make your hotel reservations as early as possible. There are a large number of hotels near the OHCA's office. Google hotels on Polaris Parkway for a complete listing.
Heidi McCoy RDN, LD

Heidi has been a Registered, Licensed Dietitian in long term-care for over 25 years. During her career, she has held roles such as Dietary Manager, VP of Dining Services, staff dietitian, consultant dietitian, and COO of a dietary consultant business. Heidi has traveled the state of Ohio consulting in dozens of nursing homes, providing education related to clinical nutrition, dietary regulations, food safety and sanitation, and survey compliance. In addition, Heidi has been involved in numerous mock dietary surveys?, policy and procedure writing, QAPI plans, and plan of correction submissions. Heidi is currently the Clinical Director at OHCA.
Continuing Education Credit:

This program has been submitted to the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) for 6.0 hours. Approval is pending.

This program has been approved for 6 hours of continuing education credit from Ohio BELTSS (NHA) and for Ohio Nurses.

$169 (prior to July 1)
$199 (July 1 and after)

$ 189 (prior to July 1)
$ 239 (July 1 and after)

Need CE'S.pdf
Stay Informed.pdf
SNF Boot Camp for RD and DTR 7.16.2024.pdf
CMS-20071 Dialysis.pdf
CMS-20073 Hospice and End of Life.pdf
CMS-20075 Nutrition.pdf
CMS-20078 Pressure Ulcer.pdf
CMS-20092 Hydration.pdf
CMS-20093 Tube Feeding.pdf
CMS-20053 Dining.pdf
CMS-20055 Kitchen.pdf
Entrance Conference Form.pdf

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With Support from OHCA Champion Partners