Approved by: The Board of Executives of Long-Term Services and Supports (BELTSS) Presented by: Ohio Health Care Association and LeadingAge Ohio
The Core of Knowledge course is designed specifically for the Administrator-In-Training (AIT) participant. This course meets the special academic requirement set by (BELTSS) for qualifying to take the state licensure board examination. Ohio participants should call the Board at (614) 466-5114 to arrange their AIT internship.
Content The content of the course is designed to provide information and promote understanding that will lead to more effective performance in the administration of long-term care. The subject areas listed below have been recommended by the National Association of Long-Term Care Administrator Boards and endorsed by BELTSS.
These topics are included in the Core of Knowledge course: 1) applicable standards of environment, health and safety; 2) local health and safety regulations; 3) general administration; 4) psychology of care; 5) principles of medical care; 6) personal and social care; 7) therapeutic and supportive care and services in long-term care; 8) departmental organization and management; and 9) community interrelationships
Enrollment Enrollment is open to anyone interested in becoming a nursing home administrator and any person wanting professional training in nursing home administration. If you plan to attend the course, online registration is available
Tuition The Tuition includes all instructional materials. Also included in the tuition are the following reference materials: The Long Term Care Survey book, Accounting Made Simple, Principles of Health Care Administration & Practice Exam, NAB Digital Study Guide. Students will have access to all self-study assignments. In addition refreshments and snacks will be available to students during the face-to-face classroom dates.
It does not include lodging, lunch or dinner. Credit card registrations are accepted. Space is limited, register today to insure your spot.
Course Format: Per 4751-1-05(A)(5)(a) requires 100 clock hours of study in core of knowledge subjects. Therefore this course will include face-to-face classroom learning as well as several self-study assignments. Students will complete web-based self-study, traditional DVD as well as written assignments. Students must attend every day of the face-to-face classroom presentations as well as complete all self-study assignments to successfully graduate from the BELTSS Core of Knowledge.
Certificate of Completion All those satisfactorily completing the course will receive a certificate which satisfies the requirement with the Board of Long Term Services and Supports.
Dates & Location The program begins on July 21 and will conclude on August 7. Classes will be held for three weeks Monday through Thursday from approximately 9:00 am to 5:00 pm each day. A final course schedule and further details will be sent out a few weeks before the class begins.
It will be held at the Quest Conference Center, 9200 Worthington Road, Westerville, Ohio 43082 Free parking is available at the Conference Center.
Lodging and Meals
Each participant is responsible for his/her own lodging and meal arrangements. We encourage you to make your hotel reservations as early as possible. There are a large number of hotels near the Conference Center. Google hotels on Polaris Parkway for a complete listing.
Core of Knowledge Program Contacts:
Eligibility and Core Requirements: Stacia Rosebrook AIT Coordinator BELTSS 614-644-7518
Summer: Kathy Chapman, Education Director Ohio Health Care Association 614-436-4154
Winter: Lisa Walker Education and Special Projects Coordinator LeadingAge Ohio 2233 North Bank Drive | Columbus, OH 43220 614.545.9036
* Attendees are expected to be fully present at each session. This means arriving on time each day, and after each break and lunch.
* We understand the need to take a call or check an email on occasion, and numerous breaks are scheduled throughout each day to accommodate this need. Please note that continued absences from the room during a presentation will not be tolerated.
* Attendees are expected to actively participate in each session; be attentive to, interactive with, and respectful of the speaker. Speakers are industry subject matter experts and will be presenting information that will help you in passing the exams and starting your career as an LNHA.
* If excessive attendance issues are noted, OHCA/LeadingAge Ohio will address them with you privately. If the attendance issues do not improve, make-up work will be assigned, or you will be given the option of attending a future CORE course to make up content before your CORE certificate of completion is granted.
* Online modules and self-studies are an extension of the in-person classroom instruction. Attendees are expected to complete self-studies by the due date as part of the CORE course requirement of successful completion.
* OHCA/LeadingAge Ohio monitors attendance and absences. BELTSS determines the need for make-up work/sessions and/or potentially withholding a certificate of completion.
* BELTSS' decision to withhold a certificate is final. Certificates will be released once content make-up assignment is completed.
The program begins on July 21 and will conclude on August 7. Classes will be held for three weeks Monday through Thursday from approximately 9:00 am to 5:00 pm each day. A final course schedule and further details will be sent out a few weeks before the class begins.
It will be held at the Quest Conference Center, 9200 Worthington Road, Westerville, Ohio 43082. Classes will be held for three weeks from Monday through Thursday from approximately 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. each day. A final course schedule and further details will be sent out a few weeks before the class begins.
Each participant is responsible for his/her own lodging and meal arrangements. We encourage you to make your hotel reservations as early as possible.
There are a large number of hotels near the Conference Center. Google hotels on Polaris Parkway for a complete listing.
BELTSS CODE OF CONDUCT & ATTENDANCE STANDARDS * Attendees are expected to be fully present at each session. This means arriving on time each day, and after each break and lunch.
* We understand the need to take a call or check an email on occasion, and numerous breaks are scheduled throughout each day to accommodate this need. Please note that continued absences from the room during a presentation will not be tolerated.
* Attendees are expected to actively participate in each session; be attentive to, interactive with, and respectful of the speaker. Speakers are industry subject matter experts and will be presenting information that will help you in passing the exams and starting your career as an LNHA.
* If excessive attendance issues are noted, OHCA/LeadingAge Ohio will address them with you privately. If the attendance issues do not improve, make-up work will be assigned, or you will be given the option of attending a future CORE course to make up content before your CORE certificate of completion is granted.
* Online modules and self-studies are an extension of the in-person classroom instruction. Attendees are expected to complete self-studies by the due date as part of the CORE course requirement of successful completion.
* OHCA/LeadingAge Ohio monitors attendance and absences. BELTSS determines the need for make-up work/sessions and/or potentially withholding a certificate of completion.
* BELTSS' decision to withhold a certificate is final. Certificates will be released once content make-up assignment is completed.
Specific daily agendas and speakers will provided at the CORE
Certificate of Completion All those satisfactorily completing the course will receive a certificate which satisfies the requirement with the Board of Long Term Services and Supports.
No continuing education credits are pre-approved for those attending the CORE
* Attendees are expected to be fully present at each session. This means arriving on time each day, and after each break and lunch.
* We understand the need to take a call or check an email on occasion, and numerous breaks are scheduled throughout each day to accommodate this need. Please note that continued absences from the room during a presentation will not be tolerated.
* Attendees are expected to actively participate in each session; be attentive to, interactive with, and respectful of the speaker. Speakers are industry subject matter experts and will be presenting information that will help you in passing the exams and starting your career as an LNHA.
* If excessive attendance issues are noted, OHCA/LeadingAge Ohio will address them with you privately. If the attendance issues do not improve, make-up work will be assigned, or you will be given the option of attending a future CORE course to make up content before your CORE certificate of completion is granted.
* Online modules and self-studies are an extension of the in-person classroom instruction. Attendees are expected to complete self-studies by the due date as part of the CORE course requirement of successful completion.
* OHCA/LeadingAge Ohio monitors attendance and absences. BELTSS determines the need for make-up work/sessions and/or potentially withholding a certificate of completion.
* BELTSS' decision to withhold a certificate is final. Certificates will be released once content make-up assignment is completed.
Limited space available, register now to insure your spot.
Enrollment Enrollment is open to anyone interested in becoming a nursing home administrator and any person wanting professional training in nursing home administration.
Tuition The Tuition is $1,495. The Tuition includes all instructional materials. Also included in the tuition are the following reference materials: The Long Term Care Survey book, Accounting Made Simple, Principles of Health Care Administration & Practice Exam, NAB Digital Study Guide. Students will have access to all web-based self-study assignments. In addition refreshments and snacks will be available to students during the face-to-face classroom dates.
It does not include lodging, lunch or dinner. Credit card registrations are accepted. Space is limited, register today to insure your spot.
Registration Deadline: July 7, 2025 Cancellation & Substitution Policy Should you not be able to attend the BELTSS Core of Knowledge as planned, please notify the provider at least ten business days prior to the first face-to-face classroom date. Student understands cancelling their enrollment will void any web-based self-study assignments completed prior to the date of the cancellation.
Cancellations received through July 7 will be fully refunded. Cancellations received July 8 through July 14 will be refunded minus a $150 processing fee. Cancellations July 15 and after will be charged the full registration fee.
Certificate of Completion All those satisfactorily completing the course will receive a certificate which satisfies the requirement with the Board of Long Term Services and Supports.
* Attendees are expected to be fully present at each session. This means arriving on time each day, and after each break and lunch.
* We understand the need to take a call or check an email on occasion, and numerous breaks are scheduled throughout each day to accommodate this need. Please note that continued absences from the room during a presentation will not be tolerated.
* Attendees are expected to actively participate in each session; be attentive to, interactive with, and respectful of the speaker. Speakers are industry subject matter experts and will be presenting information that will help you in passing the exams and starting your career as an LNHA.
* If excessive attendance issues are noted, OHCA/LeadingAge Ohio will address them with you privately. If the attendance issues do not improve, make-up work will be assigned, or you will be given the option of attending a future CORE course to make up content before your CORE certificate of completion is granted.
* Online modules and self-studies are an extension of the in-person classroom instruction. Attendees are expected to complete self-studies by the due date as part of the CORE course requirement of successful completion.
* OHCA/LeadingAge Ohio monitors attendance and absences. BELTSS determines the need for make-up work/sessions and/or potentially withholding a certificate of completion.
* BELTSS' decision to withhold a certificate is final. Certificates will be released once content make-up assignment is completed.