Live Teleconferences & Webinars

5-Star Staffing Rating


Staffing Domains

February 5, 2025

2:30 pm - 3:30 pm EST

Skilled Nursing

1.0 CE - NHA, Nurses

This session will focus on the Staffing component of Nursing Home Compares 5-Star Rating System. You will learn how the staffing rating is calculated and how it impacts your overall 5-Star rating. Tips on how to analyze your data and develop plans to achieve 5-Star status will be discussed, along with application of the elements of QAPI to improve facility 5-Star Ratings and improve staff retention.

Learning Objectives
1. Understand the Staffing component of the 5-Star Rating System.

2. Understand how the Staffing component impacts the overall 5-Star Rating

3. Describe how staffing levels impact resident outcomes and satisfaction.

4. Acquire knowledge to implement best practices for Five-Star staffing improvement using a QAPI approach
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm EST

30 min Key components of the staffing domain

* Total Nursing hours per resident day

* Registered Nurse Hours per resident day

* Case-mix adjustment

* How to calculate Staffing Rating

* Turnover Data

10 min Impact of staffing on resident outcomes and best practices related to staff retention

15 min Monitoring Staffing Data

5 Min Closing Comments/ Q&A

Shelly Maffia, MSN, MBA, RN, LNHA, QCP, CHC, CLNC, CPC
Director of Regulatory Services

Shelly Maffia is a Registered Nurse and Licensed Nursing Home Administrator with experience serving as an Administrator, Director of Nursing, and as a multi-site Corporate Nurse Consultant. She holds AAPACN?s QAPI Certified Professional (QCP) credential, is certified in healthcare compliance through the Healthcare Compliance Association (HCCA) and is an Infection Preventionist. She presents extensively on LTC clinical, regulatory, and compliance matters.
One (1.0) contact hour; Nursing Home Administrators - Ohio BELTSS. Ohio Nurses may use this approval toward their licensure renewal.

How Much Does It Cost?

Registration & CE provided for one person. Webinars are recorded and will be provided at no additional charge to paid registrants. However, CEs are not available for viewing a recording.

Registration Fee:
Members, early $55 per person
Non-Members, early, $110 per person

With Support from OHCA Champion Partners